Arch 4017 Design Studio this semester takes place in collaboration with the Destination Design School of Agricultural Estates and involves student teams designing an art and design residency complex on a Black Heritage Site within the Chattahoochee Hills region of the Black Belt. The studio is focused on the idea of “Resiliency Planning for the Community” and revolves around five key themes: Food and Fiber, Water and Climate, Housing and Buildings, Energy and Waste, and Mobility and Access. The complex ultimately will serve as example of how "Reparations" design can be instituted to empower disenfranchised communities in the U.S. and internationally.

The Kiungo Hai (Living Link) Network is a loose consortium of cultural workers and creative spaces, artist exchange projects, community engagement initiatives and artist residency programs operating throughout the South Eastern Black Belt region of the United States. This consortium was founded by the Design School of Agricultural Estates to facilitate the greater mobility of the region's Afro Descendant cultural producers, healing practitioners, and designers through the development, promotion and empowerment of artist-in-residency and artist-in-community projects. The site hosts high level technical art and design classes for children between the ages of 6-14 years of age daily, on weekends, and during holidays.
Department Architecture
Sponsor Destination Design School of Agricultural Estates (DDSAE)
Advisor Christian Coles
Primary Email Contact
Table # B20


Name Major Hometown
Akrem Ahmed Arch Snellville, Georgia
Michael Adams Arch Griffin, Georgia
Rahul Subramanian Arch Buffalo Grove, Illinois