A control system compatible with the CoasterDynamix system capable of simulating a real-world roller coaster’s control system. The central unit of the system is a Raspberry Pi 4 on a custom PCB with a panel that allows for a user to interface with the ride, view the ride status, and collect data. Wireless IMUs can be placed on up to three ride trains to gather real-time force data. The control system can be run fully autonomously, keeping track of all ride trains. The system is fully modular and is easily able to be installed on any pre-existing consumer-level model.

Our goal is to provide an adaptable and modular expansion to consumer-level roller coaster models that will allow consumers to learn about the complex electrical and software systems that are used on roller coasters. Our expansion pack will be compatible with most of the consumer-level kits due to its modularity and its educational plug and play design. The desired outcome is to provide users with an initial functional control system that they can then adjust and tinker with to determine how the software interacts with the hardware and how those interactions effect the operation and physics of the roller coaster.
Department Electrical & Computer Engineering
Sponsor N/A
Advisor Dr. Mick West
Primary Email Contact
Table # B33


Name Major Hometown
Angelo Di Prospero EE L'Aquila
Corey Meyer CmpE St. Louis, Mo
Maxwell Gidley EE Alpharetta
Whittle Delk EE Camilla, Georgia
Zack Papageorge EE Columbus, GA