Kawneer is a company that manufactures aluminum doors for commercial use. Currently, their doors are built at the corner with welded clips, which requires skilled workers that can be difficult to come by. Kawneer is seeking a new solution to manufacture their door corners that does not require skilled labor, but still maintains the structural integrity of the current door. Team Loose Screws intends to use calculations, composite design, CAD models, FEA, and 3D printed prototypes to design and test the strength of a new corner connection. The new solution will have a quantifiable and reliable form of quality control.
Department Mechanical Engineering
Sponsor Kawneer
Advisor Mark Ligler
Primary Email Contact
Table # R48


Name Major Hometown
Erica Lull ME Vacaville, CA
Gabriel Green ME Atlanta
Jasmine Ferrarer ME Glendora, California
Morgan Kalif ME Newport, RI
Sarah Kemp ME Maryland