This project will develop a spacecraft visualization tool and an attitude control simulator to improve situational awareness. The idea is to integrate telemetry data as well as orbit data and project the satellite status (attitude, orbit geometry, Sun-Moon relationship, etc.) for situational awareness. Traditionally, Intelsat analysts look at different telemetry points and the satellite orbit separately, and then take these data points and infer the satellite status. This tool will help speed up the process and provide quick visualization to improve situation awareness and result in quicker and more accurate responses when needed.
Department Aerospace Engineering
Sponsor Intelsat
Advisor Alvaro Romero-Calvo
Primary Email Contact
Table # B31


Name Major Hometown
Aiden Wilson AE Louisville, KY
Elliot Kantor AE Jacksonville, FL
Oscar Haase AE Pelham, Massachussetts
Samuel Stoknes AE Oslo
Vishal Rachapudi AE Hillsborough, NJ