The process of taking down braids is time-consuming, cumbersome, and can lead to discomfort and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. Customers are paying high prices for this service, but there is a need for optimization to make it more efficient, comfortable, and convenient. The goal is to develop a tool or method to speed up and improve the braiding takedown process to enhance the overall experience for customers.
Department Industrial Design and Mech. Engg
Sponsor Swella, Inc.
Advisor Dr. Tequila Harris, Prof. Wayne Li, Dr. Jennifer Hasler
Primary Email Contact
Table # G20


Name Major Hometown
Caroline Rigsbee ID Alpharetta, GA
Rishab Verma ME Asbury, Iowa
Rohan Thandu ME Sammamish, WA
Ryan Kil CmpE Duluth
Sasikumaran Nandakumar ME Dubai, U.A.E.
Steven Zhao CmpE San Diego