The scope of the project is to design, build, and test a mechanical worm that will reside in an interactive art exhibit in the Ferst Center. The worm will react to a participant’s movements through an existing object detection algorithm. The worm should move smoothly and look well made so as not to see the motors or linkages that make up the creature. The desire is for the worm to emerge from a hole in the tree (approximately 14 inches long), limiting the diameter of it to a few inches (approximately 5 inches in diameter). There will be an eye blink function as well as a head side to side to mimic a participant moving their head side to side. The worm should be interesting and fantastical as to match the surroundings in the same area, which has a dark theme. Some considerations would be the weight of the robotic mechanism as well as the motor control mechanisms that will fit in the small packaging of the worm.