Currently many top athletes athletes test their lactate levels in order to help them train more effectively. The technique is growing in popularity among athletes, however it is not accessible to every athlete. Many techniques to monitor lactate are not time continuous and are invasive, requiring a blood or body fluid sample. And the current device marketed to solve the issue of continuous time monitoring runs based on a expensive subscription model, and is not accessible. Our goal is to design a device that provides continuous time, minimally-invasive or non-invasive lactate monitoring to any athlete who wants it at an accessible price point to armatures.
Department Interdisciplinary
Sponsor Student Project
Advisor Dr. Sawicki
Primary Email Contact
Table # 15-G


Name Major Hometown
Alexa Peruffo MSE Poughkeepsie, NY
Eric Salisbury ME Rumford
James Ogilvie ME Holliston
Joshua Harmon ME Montreal, Qc, Canada
Malik Burton CmpE Atlanta
Zariah Brown MSE Fresno, CA