Safran Test Cells has been in the aero-engine test facilities industry for more than 60 years, providing its customers with reliable test cell engines and related products. One product that Safran Test Cells is looking to improve is their “Big Bird” transporter, which helps their customers move their test cell engines from one location to another. The current design of the Big Bird transporter lacks by having slow and difficult steering, high operation time, and inefficient usage of labor and resources. Safran Test Cells intends to improve Big Bird by retrofitting its current design with a set of customer-desired needs and engineering design specifications, while meeting its budget for the solution. The current progress of the project is expounding upon its idea conceptions while calculating its necessary load capacity constraints. Sustained research is also being conducted for materials, resources, existing products, market research, prior art, and inspiration for related mechanisms. Additional areas important to the project's progression are codes and standards to abide by design concept ideation, preliminary concept selection, and future work.
Department Mechanical Engineering
Sponsor Safran
Advisor Dr. Jianxin Jiao
Primary Email Contact
Table # 2


Name Major Hometown
Amanda Kim ME Buford, GA
Asha Patel MSE Atlanta
Gyeongjun Kim ME Suwon, Korea
Josh Baffour ME Snellville
Minh Khuu ME Vietnam
Trevor Jones ME Fairburn, GA